Makalah Bahasa Inggris Past Progresive Tense

Makalah Bahasa Inggris Past Progresive Tense


1.1. Background
English is the international language. By mastering English well, then we will be able to communicate with other nations in this world. In addition, we will also be able to increase our knowledge and knowledge for the betterment of our nation and country, for we will be able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and watch movies, add other scientific insights . Thus, ultimately we can master the knowledge in all fields. Tenses are important in English education. And also a rule in english. If someone wants to master English well, then he should be able to master the tenses well. Among other tenses, in this paper we describe simple past pastense.

mAKALAH Past Progresive Tense. Makalah Bahasa Inggris Past Progresive Tense. makalah Bahasa Inggris Lengkap. Makalah Past Progresive Tense pdf

1.2 Formulation of the problem
1. What is a simple past tense
2. What is a Past continuous tense
3. What is the Past perfect tense

1.3 Aim
The purpose of writing this paper is to understand and apply tenses in everyday conversations or formal activities that use English as the main language


2.1. Understanding Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense or past progressive tense is a verb form used to indicate that an action is occurring at a certain time in the past. The action has started but not finished yet.

2.2 Usage
To state an event in progress in the past.
To state an ongoing event where another event occurred, in the past.
To explain current events, simultaneously with other events in the past.

Past Tenses is divided into 4 namely: 
1. Simple past tense 
2. Past continuous tense
3. Past perfect tense 
4. Past perfect continuous tense

Based on the use of verbs, tense sentences are divided into two forms:
A. Nominal Forms
sentence in nominal form means a sentence form with a noun as a subject and without the use of a verb as its predicate. Sentences like this require to be as predicate. Example = She is Beautiful (is = to be as a predicate)

B. Verbal Forms
Sentences in verbal form use verbs as predicates. Example = They speak english grammar (speak = verb as predicate) The following will be discussed about the past tense (Past Past tense), (Past Perfect Tense)

1. Simple past tense
To show that an act of activity of the situation occurs at a later time and ends at a certain moment in the past and the time of expiration is known.RUMUS: S + To Be (was / were)
+ ...... ..
+ Verb II + .......
Affirmative (+): S + Verb II Negative (-): S + did not + Verb IInterrogative (?): Did + S + Verb I To form a sentence without (interrogative) then added 'did' in front of the subject and the action back to the first form. If the sentence already contained the word was (was / were) Could, Might, Must, then only the word bantunyasaja placed in front of the subject. If the sentence has been contained Could, Might, Must, then after the auxiliary plus NOT (NOT)
(+) He worked in the bank for four years.
(-) He did not work in the bank for four years.
(?) Did he work in the bank for four years?
(-?) Did he not work in the bank for four years?
(+) She waited in the Bank for four hours
(-) She did not wait in the Bank for four hours
(?) Did she wait in the Bank for four hours?
(-?) Did she not wait in the Bank for four hours?

The time signals used in this form are:
Yesterday: Yesterday
Yesterday morning: Yesterday morning
Last Monday: Last Monday
An hour ago: An hour ago
Two days ago: Two days ago
The other day: A few days ago
Every day last year: Every day last year
Last night: Last night
Last year: Last year
The day before yesterday: Yesterday first
A Few minutes ago: A few minutes ago

Simple Past Tense phrase formula Simple Past Tense phrase that does not use verb (Non VERB)
(+) Subject + be (was / were) + Non Verb + Object
(-) Subject + be (was / were) + NOT + Non Verb + Object
(?) Be (was / were) + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
(-?) Question Word + be (was / were) + NOT + Subject + Non Verb + Object?

Example Sentence Simple Past Tense does not use a verb:
(+) She was sick yesterday
(-) She was not sick yesterday
(?) Was She sick yesterday?
(-?) Why she was not sick yesterday?

Simple Past Tense phrase formula using verb (VERB II)
(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object
(-) Subject + Did not + Verb 2 + Object
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
(-?) Question Word + Did + Subject + Verb 1?

Example Sentence Simple Past Tense uses verbs
(+) She went to Bandung last week.
(-) She did not go to Bandung last week.
(?) Did she go to Bandung last week
(-?) Why Did she go to bandung last week?

Simple Past Tense is used for:
1) Stating an event that happened in the past.Example: I did the homework yesterday.
2) Stating a custom done in the past.Example: He usually analyzed the scientific books.

2. Past Continuous Tense
To declare an act or event that is in progress in the past when another incident occurred.

S + was / were + Verb I (ing) + ......
Affirmative (+): S + be (was / were) + V1-ing / present participle Negative (-): S + be (was / were) + not + V1-ing / present participle
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3.1. Conclusion
Past continuous tense or past progressive tense is a verb form used to indicate that an action is occurring at a certain time in the past. The action has started but not finished yet.
Description of time for Past Continuous Tense include:
... when: when
Ø while: temporary
Ø ... as: when
Ø the whole day yesterday
Ø all day yesterday
Ø all (morning, night)